
Yoga teacher, meditation & pranayama teacher, sound healing, ayurveda workshops

certified 500 Hours Yoga Alliance

Namaste dear souls,

I am Julie, I started my yoga journey 5 years ago, as I discover yoga in different places during this lasts years of travels around the globe.

I studied and praticed yoga in differents ashrams and schools, mainly in Mexico and in India.

First Life took me through a self enquiry journey, as I discovered the benefits of meditation and experienced changes on my perception and elevation. I explored different meditation tehniques as Vipassana and Hridaya.

While I was asking myself “Who am I ?” I started building my own practice and sadhana, and yoga became part of this life for me, as it gives me tools to be more grounded, to be connected to my breathe, my body, to calm the mind and to connect deeper to my true and authentic self.

From France, to Australia, to Indonesia, to Costa Rica, to Mexico, to the Hymalayas in India my heart always carry the yoga on & off the mat.

Today I propose to share this love for yoga with the world and to support you and be your guide on this beautiful path.

I welcome you to discover more about yoga or to go deeper into your pratice together.